Why do we worry so much?

Now, more than ever, people are wanting a level of certainty they are struggling to find.

It doesn’t matter your profession, what stage of life you are in, or how confident and well you’ve held it all together in the past.

None of us are immune to the challenges of ‘life’.

Thankfully moving through, and learning from those challenges, are what give us the character, and wisdom that we can’t read in a book, or find on the internet.

Whether it be due to changes, such as the kids leaving home, relationship challenges, or circumstances at work or in business not going to plan.

It might be an identity ‘crisis’, and many other situations that give us that feeling of ‘who am I when I am not this’.

A high need for certainty, and not being able to reach it, can leave us feeling nervous, unsure, and even anxious. It’s an unnerving ‘feeling’ and often people don’t know what to do next.

When we try to ‘control’ outside situations, it’s a bit like trying to control the weather, as much as we would like to, we all know it’s impossible, but what we can change is our ‘need’ for certainty, or at least lessen it and tick that box by ‘accepting’ that some things are not within our control, and some are.

A good way to help address this is having some sort of routine. Even something as simple as going for a walk, or to the gym, or eating breakfast at the same time each day. Setting our alarm and not hitting snooze. Having a to-do list, and ticking off even the seemingly mundane things such as mowing the lawn, or vacuuming, and some even benefit from ticking off ‘relaxation’ especially if prone to fight or flight as opposed to ‘freeze’ or procrastination.

Basically doing what we can to ‘take back our power’ and ensure we feel as secure as we can, without going to extremes to control things that are external to us.

There are so many different ways we can reduce ‘worry’. One of those is meditation, whether that be for one minute or 60, with an app or sitting in silence, focussing on the leaves of a tree, or sipping your coffee slowly, feeling the warmth of the cup and breathing into your heart space at that moment. All help calm the mind, balance our emotions, and create space to make better decisions.

As always my passion is ‘all things personal growth and awareness’ and I would love to help you work through some of these ‘human challenges’.

So reach out and we can chat, and make sure you sign up for future heartfelt content and grab whatever you can from those tips too.

Mandy x


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