5 things to improve your day.

Starting with just one of these, you’ll notice a difference…

Tip 1. Before going to sleep ‘feel’ grateful (find absolutely anything and ‘feel’ into the thankfulness of it).

Thank you for my soft pillow, thank you for my warm bed, thank you for the meal we ate tonight, thank you for my beautiful family, thank you for….

When these are the types of things the subconscious mind hears just before sleep, this is what you are more incline to wake up feeling, happier, more energy, and generally grateful, and it flows on from there.

You could do the same on waking, too, thank you for…before you even open your eyes to start your day…It’s not hard and it works.

Unless of course the tip below is something that suits you better?

Tip 2. Avoid hitting snooze.

As hard as this might seem, it’s SO worth it!

There is known to be a link between hitting snooze and anxiety and depression; it leaves us in a state known as sleep inertia, for up to 4 hours during the day.

This is basically a ‘groggy’ state between ‘sleep and wake’. Not ideal for work, school or quality of life…not to mention operating machinery. You know that grumpy person at work…I wonder if they hit snooze? If you struggle getting out of bed, count down 5,4,3,2,1…and get up and out.. (Mel Robbins swears by it)…she even wrote a book on just that, called ‘the 5 second rule’.

Tip 3. Drink a large glass or cup of preferably warm water with freshly squeezed lemon as soon as you get out of bed.

Diluted lemon water alkalises the body, it’s immune boosting, and amazing for your skin, great for rehydration, digestion, and bowel function. It’ll stimulate brain function (I won’t say no to that), it’s a mini detox for your liver, it will help fill you up, so you won’t need as much food for breakfast. Oh, and a little Vitamin C + more.

Tip 4. Consider putting your phone in the kitchen on the charger.

Not in the bedroom. If you need an alarm, consider buying an alarm clock.

Then, on waking, ‘give yourself permission’ to hold off anywhere from 10 minutes or preferably 30-60 minutes before you scroll. Less sudden hits and depletions in Dopamine that way. You will feel so much better for it.

Tip 5. We all know it…move your body.

A good stretch, or better still - a walk or run for around 30 - 60 minutes (and a good stretch). There are SO many benefits to exercise, too many to list.

Resistance or weight training, yoga (anything is better than nothing)…

Have the best day.

Mandy x


A bit much to take.


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