What was once taboo…

20 ish years ago I knew that one day, I’d be helping people, in some way.

Helping them navigate the hard stuff they had going on in their lives - whatever that may be at any given time. 🙏🏼

Aka Life.

I had absolutely no idea how it was all going to unfold at that stage, I just knew it would.

I just remember thinking…

‘If I can help someone else get through whatever it is they’re going through, with less pain and as smoothly as possible - then that’s what I’ll do’.

As you can imagine, the years that unfolded after that, both personally and professionally, the ups and downs and twists and turns…

that ‘knowing’ has only grown stronger, and become so much more meaningful than what I could have imagined way back then.

As as I continue to grow…

so does my ‘experience’, and what I can offer the people I work with.

So, what I now do, in my daily work


‘Personal Development’…

It’s Personal growth 🌿

Once, more so known, as ‘self help’

Which when you think about it, is really self empowerment

Or better still…

Self awareness.

To think ‘self awareness’ was

something almost never heard of, let alone spoken of, is slightly crazy…

Well if you did, it wasn’t something you shouted from the rooftops.

But in reality, personal growth and development…and above all ‘Self Awareness’ underpins almost every successful human being.

It leads to SO much more awareness of yourself and therefore of others.

It creates happiness.

It allows shifts, both internal and external.

It helps navigate and ‘grow’ through the many hard times life throws at us.

In a business, entrepreneurial, workplace or team sense, it makes for excellent, well rounded leaders, managers and professionals.

It gets people inspired, gets you motivated, leads to better health, it can be super exciting…

and of course it absolutely changes lives.

So for something that once was pretty ‘taboo’, it’s SO refreshing to think that finally it’s becoming more normalised.

If we seriously want the term ‘mental health’ to be normalised then it makes complete sense that ‘whole person health’ or a bit of personal growth, self development, self empowerment, or whatever else you want to call it isn’t something too far out of reach.

It’s just ‘who we are, and we do’…

it’s how we show up.

So next time that book jumps off the shelf, or you get a feeling you need to do something you know is right for you…listen.

It might just be the start of exactly what you need to propel you forward to start REALLY living the life you deserve to live. ♥️


Settling back into Australia